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How We Do Things
Our School Compass
Our Moral Compass
Our School Houses

Our School
Our Learners
Our Curriculum
Our Get Wise
Our Inquiry Process
Our Learning Models



Each learner is assigned to a House to which they belong throughout their time at Scott Point School.
Each House has a mix of learners and staff. Siblings will be in the same house.
There are four houses, each named after native trees of New Zealand, specimens of which can be found on our school grounds; each house is represented by a colour, so on days when house colours can be worn instead of school uniform, these are the colours for each house:
Pōhutukawa - Red
Kōwhai - Yellow
Rimu - Green
Totara - Blue
Four houses within the school allow learners to establish school spirit, teamwork, collaboration, awareness, and leadership.

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